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Thursday, June 2, 2016

A New Family Tradition

Two years ago I felt inspired to teach my kids how to celebrate the Lord. I’m talking about celebrating to a large degree, the way the Jewish people celebrate the Lord with several day festivals, special foods & dances. Jewish celebrations connect children and families to the story of God; they celebrate to remember God at work in their lives. Sounds seriously fun!! We could take one day as a family to celebrate and remember the Lord in a way that would be meaningful to each of us (from my 13 year old down to my 6 year old). Plus, I have an intense personality and that sounded intensely awesome! Turns out it’s fun to create your own family tradition from scratch. I put together a loose plan with several options and then we see how things go as the day progresses, not feeling the need to cram everything in! It’s a cozy day to enjoy God together.

I want it to be a true celebration: great food and dancing (hahaha), something my kids talk about with a sparkle in their eye and want to help plan! Spending time in worship and remembering what God did that year are a general focus of the day. It’s been important that I not get too serious about the whole thing. I try to give lots of choices. I want our kids to enjoy God in a way that makes sense to them and is actually fun (why did I feel like I needed to say that? Oh dear).

We normally start the day with “soaking”. Soaking is basically focusing your heart and mind on God. You enjoy His nearness. You meditate on His word. When we soak, we put on some worship music and we have fun/relax/get creative with the Lord. Honestly, I did have to lose a little religiousity to enjoy this with my kids but I’m telling you, kids have big hearts. When you tell them “we’re going to spend time with God while we’re building cool stuff with our legos! We can ask God for ideas, and come up with ideas together with God and then build things”, they engage in it! What looks just like play to us, childlike to us, can be powerful places of encounter. It creates a familiarity with God’s closeness and how He can meet us in the midst of anything. Yay God! For Mckenzie, my 11 year old, soaking might look like drawing a God-inspired picture in a sketchbook. There are obviously lots of ways to be creative. Even just reading the Bible or journaling. This year a new kids worship CD had come out with a DVD and lots of fun dancing. We gave it to the kids for Christmas and saved it for that day. The kids loved it and we had fun worshipping together. The year before we had Travis pull out his guitar and the kids picked songs they wanted to sing.

We’ve also had a lot of fun sitting around the table sipping hot cocoa and reading through some of our favorite Bible stories, marveling at how weird the stories are and how awesome God is. At some point in the afternoon we like to watch a Bible story movie.

New for us this year, we decided it could be fun to each put together a collaged canvas that would be a prophetic picture of our year. We put on some worship music, found a relaxing spot and we each asked God for one descriptive word for ourselves and a word for our family. With quiet worship music on, I laid out a poster and we asked God to show us pictures in our imaginations of what He wanted to do this year in our family. After about 10/15 minutes, we put all the family words into a cup, prayed over it and my husband, Travis, pulled one word out. Hold on to your panties: the word isn’t very intense, it’s “FUN”! “Fun” is God’s word for our year! It’s hard not to look forward to a year with that word hanging around!  Next, we tried to find pictures in magazines that represented the pictures drawn on the family poster during soaking. We each decorated our own small canvas with our personal word and other symbolic/meaningful pictures. The kids now have them up in their rooms. On the extra large canvas for our family we have the word “fun” in the middle surrounded by all the other words (not originally drawn from the cup) as well as meaningful pictures. It is far from perfect but perfect for us! I love this because it hangs in our kitchen all year, a reminder of the way God sees things and how He is at work in our family.

Abbie's word (9 yrs old): Brave
Peter's word (6 yrs old): BIG
Food can make a day special and this what we did: Breakfast and lunch we kept simple. I don’t remember breakfast but lunch was a slam-dunk favorite: mac n cheese. I know, fancy!! We had a hot chocolate bar. At dinner we went all out with cheese, meat and chocolate fondues. During dinner we talked through the year and made a list of the things we saw God do. This is so good for the heart. God is with us--in real, tangible ways. It was soo encouraging!!! 

I imagine as the kids grow, we’ll be able to include a few more things in our day. Here are some of my ideas we didn’t get to:
1. Picking a family memory verse for the year
2. Praying over the world map and seeing what God highlights for us to pray into.
3. Brainstormed/planned service & giving for the year.
4. Picking out Bible verse promises we can each pray over Emilie that year. (My daughter, Emilie, suffers from severe epilepsy and significant developmental delay. We pray continuously for her total healing and restoration).
5. Talking with God about family dreams & desires/deciding on some impossible things we can all pray about together.

There are many options and lots of room for creativity. I’m hoping to cover a few of those topics throughout the year on some of our family nights. We plan to purchase a family journal to write down our yearly remembrances, words, verses, etc. This will be precious in the future! I have the past 2 years’ info written down, we plan on transferring it. (Inwardly, I simultaneously laugh and cringe. I really think we’ll get to it!) I’m wondering if we should purchase one for each of the kids so they have a copy as they start their own families one day.

So there it is: something FUN to think about. It can be as simple or complex as you make it. Such sweet memories and a super encouraging way to start your year!

Whether or not this is your thing, may you be flooded with creativity in the ways you help your kids connect with God! Thank you Jesus that You LOVE showing up in our family life, You love opening Your world to us.

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